Spring fever…ish
I thought I had posted this last night but I guess I was too tired from work. Found it under „recent drafts“ just now. So this is „yesterday’s jam“, as Roy from the IT Crowd would say.
The days are getting longer, and most of all: lighter! It’s not until you see the sun again after a very long winter that you realize how much you’ve missed it. I know I did.
When I left the house this morning there was still ice on the ground … … I was greeted by the moon and a pastel sky so pretty it even made our neighborhood seem beautiful. The sun came out during the day … … and suddenly, spring seemed like a possibility. Nothing against these „guerrilla art cherry blossoms“ – but I can’t wait for the real deal.
A little more wow
This is what it looks like where I take walks.
Nice winter coat, Mr. Rock! Moss looks good on pretty much anything, don’t you think? Great to look at, a pain to walk on … today I did both. OK, now I didn’t walk on THAT. Luckily, the ground had thawed in some parts. We actually met someone on their mountain bike – hope he came down the hill the way he wanted to … We saw a couple of those around the lake – guerrilla bird feeding? Yes, that’s an old milk carton. Wow.