Angezeigt: 1 - 6 von 6 ERGEBNISSEN
Bewusst Leben Sarines Göteborg

Living the country life

I am back from another trip. More inspired than ever! I do apologize, though, to certain friends (Lisa, you know who you are) who worried my offline-ness might translate to „something bad happened“. Note to self: in the time and age of „There is no offline, there is only away from keyboard“, announce any awol …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Göteborg

No Poo!

If you can’t eat it, you probably shouldn’t put it on your skin, either. That’s the philosophy behind „No Poo“, which obviously both stands for „no shampoo“ and/or shampoo without „poo“. I learned about No Poo in the current issue of åter (meaning „back“, „backwards“, „again“), a Swedish magazine about self-sufficiency and alternative life styles. …