Grie Sos, La vie en rose, New hat | Photo journal
DE – Zusammenfassung in Bildern seit, äh, der letzten Zusammenfassung in Bildern.
EN – Recap in pictures of what’s happened, well, since I last did a recap in pictures.
Grie Sos
DE – Letzte Woche war es endlich so weit: aus den Samen, die ich aus Frankfurt mitgebracht hatte, sind aller meiner Bemühungen zum trotz etwas geworden. 🙂 Und zwar Petersilie, Schnittlauch, Pimpinelle, Boretsch, Sauerampfer, Kerbel und Kresse. Zusammen mit Quark, Zitrone, Senf, Zucker, Salz und Pfeffer habe ich daraus Grüne Sauce gemacht. Dazu gab’s natürlich Kartoffeln und Ei.
EN – Last week I was finally able to make „green sauce“, a traditional meal from the Frankfort area. I had brought the seeds for the seven herbs you need, and despite all my efforts, they turned out pretty amazing. 🙂 Parsley, chives, burnet, sorrel, borage, chervil and pepperwort. Mixed with sour cream, lemon, mustard, sugar, salt and peppar, they become said green sauce. Traditionally served with potatoes and boiled eggs.
La vie en rose & new hat
DE – Das vergangene Wochenende stand hier in Ribeauvillé unter dem Motto „La vie en rose“. Die Schwedin in mir suchte nach der dahinter stehenden Marketingstrategie. Sie fand keine (nichtmal ein hashtag!?). Es war einfach alles rosa. Hat trotzdem irgendwie geklappt, ich habe einen Hut gekauft. Den brauchte ich WIRKLICH. Allerdings dann doch nicht unbedingt den für 345€ oder 195€ …
EN – This past weekend the Ribeauvilléans painted the town. Pink. The Swede in me was scanning this shindig for the underlying marketing strategy. Couldn’t find one (not even have a hashtag!?). Everything was just, you know, pink. It worked anyway. I bought a hat. I REALLY needed it. Just not the one for 345€. Or 195€ …
Glauberg Celtic Museum
Today my mom took me to see the Glauberg Celtic Museum that opened a few years ago. I have to admit that I am actually not that much into museums. I know you’re „supposed to“ but somehow I just lack the patience for it. This one I really enjoyed though, however mostly because of the cool architecture of the building. The exhibition itself was interesting, too (I had no idea that there used to be Celts living in this neck of the woods). The most fascinating part for me actually being how little is known about the Celts. Here’s a link to the museum’s homepage, unfortunately – and somewhat surprisingly German only. Apparently the success of the museum – the most popular one in the state of Hessen, and Frankfurt has some really neat and prestigious ones! – was not anticipated, so I guess that accounts for the lack.
Oh yeah, here are some pix – would have liked sunshine but now I actually think the slight fogginess is just right.
Love the rust surface – perfect with the colors of the landscape. I suspect they do some neat lighting of the building at night. Must be cool sitting out there in the summer time. Neat that you canclimb up onto the Roof top, too. Not really sure what those poles mean – not sure whether anyone knows, either. Really amazing how such a massive building can blend in so well in the landscape (well, ok, it doesn’t really in this pic but it really does!). View from the Café – more amazing in reality, duh.