Bewusst Leben, Sarines Göteborg Brännö 8. Juli 2013 / No Comments On the menu today: inquiries about jobs and bank loans. Important but not as pleasant as the trip La and I went on last week. Probably our favorite destination here in Gothenburg: the southern archipelago. Beautiful, featherlike pasture Like a down blanket exploded all over the island. In a pretty way. Couldn’t get enough of these guys. Which was fine, they were everywhere anyway. So were these fellas. They were helpful, too: pointing us to a future home for La … I wouldn’t mind having a friend who lives here! Nothing wrong with that view. OK, we can lose the clouds – but we have sunshine in our hearts, so no biggie. Yup, same day, same island, same sky. But what a difference! So much beauty all around … … here … … and here … … and here. Just follow the fluffy white road. Das könnte Dich auch interessieren: