Willkommen zu einem gemütlichen Freitag. Bin relativ spät aufgewacht, aber an Tagen, wo ich keine Termine habe, macht mir das nichts. Dann folge ich einfach dem Fluss und wenn es dann Mittagessen um 15 Uhr gibt (so wie heute), dann ist das eben so. Egal wann ich aufstehe, im Moment trinke ich morgens gerne heiße …
Angezeigt: 1 - 3 von 3 ERGEBNISSEN
7 things about me | The VBA Part 3
So this is me jumping through the final hoop of the Versatile Blogger Award, according to which I am supposed to „tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself“. Katey, since this one’s for you, I am responding to a couple of things you said about yourself in your post: I cannot keep …
On being needy and recognizing our needs | The VBA Part 1
Something very nice happened to me: I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, by Katey from femenish.com. It’s a little funny because the other day when I checked out her blog, I saw that she had written a post on having been nominated for a blogging award, and how it was such a pleasant …