May | Mai
ENGLISH – A little recap in pictures of the month that just swooshed by. I spent most of it with my friend’s La and C. in Tollered, Sweden outside Gothenburg. Summer in Sweden is really something, and we were blessed with sunshine galore. The wedding of La and C. made this particular May extra special, of course.
DEUTSCH – Eine kleine Zusammenfassung des Monats, der einfach nur so vorbei gerauscht ist. Ich habe die meiste Zeit mit meinen Freunden La und C. in Tollered verbracht, einem kleinen Ort bei Göteborg. Sommer in Schweden ist wirklich etwas besonderes und wir wurden reichlich mit Sonnenschein gesegnet. Die Hochzeit von La und C. hat diesen Mai natürlich noch besondererererer gemacht.
Tollered, Sweden
Hamburg, Germany
ENGLISH – The day after the wedding I took the train to Hamburg. It was my friend Conny’s birthday on Monday, and since we’ve been living so far apart for the past years, I really wanted to be with her on her special day. And yes, those are cinnamon buns, but no, I can’t claim any credit for them.
DEUTSCH – Am Tag nach der Hochzeit ging es weiter nach Hamburg. Connys Geburtstag war ja am Montag und weil wir die letzten Jahre so weit voneinander entfernt gelebt haben, war es mir diesmal wichtig endlich mal wieder an ihrem Ehrentag dabei zu sein. Und ja, das sind Zimtschnecken, aber nein, ich kann mich leider nicht mit diesem Federn schmücken.
Stade, Germany
ENGLISH – Next I returned to my grandpa’s house once more. Unpacking and repacking. And enjoying the flowers in the garden!
DEUTSCH – Als nächstes bin ich noch einmal zum Haus von Opa zurück gekehrt. Um aus- und umzupacken. Und die Blumen im Garten zu genießen!
Frankfurt, Germany
ENGLISH – Now I’m with my friend Lena. She has a light and lofty apartment, great taste and is very artistic. She lives in Bockenheim, and I really like the neighborhood with it’s cafés and little shops, a lot of them in pretty little courtyards. Lena once said to me that Frankfurt may not be the number one tourist attraction among the German cities but it’s a great place to live. That’s a pretty good description, imho.
DEUTSCH – Jetzt bin ich bei Lena. Sie hat eine tolle helle Wohnung mit hohen Decken, sehr guten Geschmack und eine künstlerische Ader. Sie lebt in Bockenheim und mir gefällt es hier sehr, mit den vielen kleinen Cafés und Lädchen, viele von ihnen in hübschen Hinterhöfen. Lena sagte mal zu mir, dass sie Frankfurt nicht zur Touristenattraktion Nummer Eins unter den deutschen Städten benennen würde, aber dass es zum Leben sehr schön ist. Das trifft’s ganz gut, finde ich.
PalmenGarten Frankfurt, Germany
ENGLISH – When I was little my parents would take my sister and me to the PalmenGarten sometimes. Can’t say that I have any special memories of it (I was a real homebody as a kid, I probably would have spent all my time in front of the tv if I had been allowed), but when I realized that it was only a ten minute walk from Lena’s place, I decided to go. I’m glad I did because I have become more of on outdoorsy person over the past years (it’s hard not to become one when you live in Sweden). As much as I love big cities and the liveliness in the streets, I feel like I need to see a little green every once in a while.
DEUTSCH – Als ich klein war machten meine Eltern manchmal Ausflüge zum PalmenGarten mit meiner Schwester und mir. Kann zwar nicht behaupten, davon besondere Erinnerungen zu haben (ich war echt ein Stubenhocker, hätte am liebsten meine Zeit vor dem Fernseher verbracht, wenn man mich gelassen hätte …), aber als ich entdeckte, dass er nur etwas zehn Gehminuten von Lena entfernt war, entschied ich mich ihm einen Besuch abzustatten. Bin froh darum, denn ich bin inzwischen doch auch zu einem Draußi geworden (es ist vermutlich unmöglich ein Drinni zu bleiben, wenn man in Schweden lebt). So sehr ich große Städte mit ihren belebten Straßen mag, ab und zu muss ich dann doch mal ein bisschen grün sehen.
Wiesbaden-Schierstein, Germany
ENGLISH – On Friday I visited my friend Line. It was about time: I finally got to see her baby, meet her fella, and see their apartment for the first time. Since the weather was great, and Line is a woman with a plan, this half-day was a mini vacation in itself: we walked down to the harbor, ate asparagus, took a boat down the river, got some ice cream, walked back, did some barbecuing on the balcony.
DEUTSCH – Am freitag habe ich endlich mal Line besucht. War auch höchste Zeit: habe zum ersten Mal ihre beiden Männer getroffen und ihre Wohnung gesehen. Da das Wetter weiterhin großartig war und Line eine Frau mit Plan ist, war dieser Nachmittag sowas wie ein Mini-Urlaub: Spaziergang zum Hafen, Spargel am Wasser, Bötchenfahren, Eisessen, Spazierganz zurück, Grillen auf dem Balkon.
My creative mom
Using my free day to do laundry and upload pictures. These are from when I was at my mom’s, proof that creativity runs in the family.
My mom made this! She took one of those decking pieces, used one of the boards to make a shelf, painted it, and added those little star-shaped knobs.
Pretty cool, huh? -
Bad Nauheim
Glauberg Celtic Museum
Today my mom took me to see the Glauberg Celtic Museum that opened a few years ago. I have to admit that I am actually not that much into museums. I know you’re „supposed to“ but somehow I just lack the patience for it. This one I really enjoyed though, however mostly because of the cool architecture of the building. The exhibition itself was interesting, too (I had no idea that there used to be Celts living in this neck of the woods). The most fascinating part for me actually being how little is known about the Celts. Here’s a link to the museum’s homepage, unfortunately – and somewhat surprisingly German only. Apparently the success of the museum – the most popular one in the state of Hessen, and Frankfurt has some really neat and prestigious ones! – was not anticipated, so I guess that accounts for the lack.
Oh yeah, here are some pix – would have liked sunshine but now I actually think the slight fogginess is just right.
Love the rust surface – perfect with the colors of the landscape. I suspect they do some neat lighting of the building at night. Must be cool sitting out there in the summer time. Neat that you canclimb up onto the Roof top, too. Not really sure what those poles mean – not sure whether anyone knows, either. Really amazing how such a massive building can blend in so well in the landscape (well, ok, it doesn’t really in this pic but it really does!). View from the Café – more amazing in reality, duh. -
Mi castle es su castle
I am in Germany again, this time further south, visiting my mom. And my friends who are still or back in this area! One of the just moved into the castle. Look:
Die Burg Well, ok, I’ll admit, this picture is a little misleading. She and her husband moved into a house inside the castle. Technically, I even could have chosen the frame in a way so you could actually see the house … but isn’t it much cooler this way?! Not that their actual house isn’t cool …
View from the kitchen window. -
AWOL | I still exist
OK, this post really doesn’t have a purpose other than saying, „I still exist“. I have been awol due to spontaneous traveling (yes, I do feel blessed to have such opportunities). I am back now but only for a couple of days which will be filled with work, so I doubt there’ll be much blogging happening. And then I will be gone again for another week. Possibly with more time to myself, though, so hopefully with more time for writing, too. Meanwhile: enjoy the view I had yesterday on the ferry from Puttgarden, Germany to Rødby, Denmark.
Sunshine – not just a friend of M. I. A.