Just one thing
I have been thinking a lot about how long I haven’t written anything, and how I could catch you up on everything that has happened. It’s been so much, though, that it’s only made me put off writing. So I decided I’d just write to say I’m still here. I still need to go to the library for internet (and that won’t change anytime soon), so for now my goal is just to post when I can, not about EVERYTHING that has happened since the last post but about one thing.
I haven’t been knitting or crocheting for a while now but I borrowed some books that might just inspire me enough to change that:
Garn garn garn by Susanna Zacke and Sania Hedengren
and Garnnystan och tygtravar by the same authors
They are full of colorful projects that seem fairly easy, so I might even stand a chance of following through …
Oh yeah: on my search for the titles I found Susanna Zacke’s and Sania Hedengren’s blog, and it turns out that they just published one of their books in English – Fun with Yarn and Fabric:
I think I need to go home now and crochet something … Hope you all have a good day!
Knitted poofs | How To
Couldn’t stop myself from searching for a How To on these puppies.
Picture via. I found this one on Knittastic. No idea when or if I’ll get around to this …
PS: I know I am behind on this trend but I am slow that way. I always have to go through the process of 1. rejecting the hype, 2. getting used to it, 3. liking it just in time for everyone else to have moved on to something else (at which point the process starts all over).
DIY | Knitting Café
Last night I went to a knitting café for the first time. I had walked by the store the week before and had seen their sign that read „Knitting Café | Mondays 5pm – 8pm“ (well, ok, it said that in Swedish). I obviously didn’t happen to have my yarn and needles with me, plus I was on the way somewhere else. But I hoped I’d remember until this week – and I actually did!?
If this isn’t fate: I had a bag from the store where the knitting café was held. A really pretty bag, too. Ironically, the „project“ (= yarn, needle and instructions for a sweater jacket, no actual work started yet) I took with me was a birthday present that Peter had gotten me from that place. Two and a half years ago, ehem. It wasn’t even the same owner anymore, so technically I didn’t have to tell her that story and thus embarrass myself … oh well.
It’s going to be sweater when it’s big. I hope. There were four of us (including the shop owner), and although I’m afraid I was too busy counting in the beginning to be social and join in the conversation, it was nice. There were even sandwiches, and one of the ladies had brought cake since it was her birthday. When I joked that I had picked the right night to show up, I was informed that last week, another participant (who wasn’t there yesterday), had sort of „kidnapped“ them to her own home where she had prepared an entire dinner for the group. I am liking this already.
I even have the perfect buttons for the jacket. Yep, another thrift-store find. I was also relieved to find that these wonderful ladies weren’t judging me for being an amateur who has to look down at her project the whole time to see what she’s doing. Also, I am slow. I mean, I didn’t seriously worry about not being allowed to „play with the pros“ if I wasn’t on their level. I guess the competitive part of me kind of did worry exactly about that, though. Frowns and eye-rolling. Luckily, that part of me is just paranoid, and was obviously proven wrong.
This is the yarn Peter gave me. Organic wool with 15% camel hair. Better not mess this one up, huh? Oh yeah: Between all the chatter, coffee, sandwiches and cake, I did get started on that sweater jacket.
This is what I am hoping it will look like:
Here are the instructions, in case you want to beat me to it:
http://www.garnstudio.com/lang/us/pattern.php?id=3676&lang=us (you can change the language on the page)
A great site with lots of free patterns, by the way.
Does this make you sad because there are no knitting café near you? Well, how about starting your own? That’s one thing that struck me last night: I didn’t technically have to wait for this to happen to me. I could have done that myself. You know, invite a bunch of your friends, everybody brings what they want to work on, you take turns with the snacks, … Simple.
And if you want to go pro: Decorate according to the theme, like in Pyssla Duka Bjud.