This is my second year growing stuff on actual soil, not just a balcony and a kitchen window sill. Last year’s lesson: pregrow EVERYTHING. I learned that one by not pregrowing anything except for tomatoes. And those still didn’t ripen fast enough before it got too cold. In my defense, we talked to our neighbors …
Boho bedroom curtains
I keep hoarding fabric – luckily, I am also still riding that wave where I keep making stuff. My most recent project: curtains for the second bedroom window. After initially worrying I might have gone too far with this one (too much going on, pattern-, color-, crochet-trimming-wise), I realized that I really do like the …
Spring on the inside
The gray has been following me – when I was in Germany it was sunny at home (and gray in Germany), now that I am back, it’s graygraygray with – no kidding – snow (well, that was yesterday, but still). We’re not ones to give up so easily, though, so if Muhammed won’t come to …
Plant life | Nomad daffodils
When I looked out onto the balcony yesterday, the daffodils had gotten a little sad over night. So I took them in … … and today … Wishing you a good start into this week. Let the sunshine in.