Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Stöde

Here and now…ish

I am writing again. Journaling, letters, something that could turn into a novel – and here. All thanks to Julia Cameron’s The Right To Write – or thanks to my friend A., who lent me TRTW? Or thanks to the book launch of another friend that made me want to write again? Or maybe thanks to everyone and everything at once. Either way, I am grateful.

Where to pick up again after such a long absence? How about here and now…ish.

I’ve been baking – biscotti on Wednesday.
We’re all set for the winter.
Like I said: all set for the winter.
We’ve rearranged the living room, I just haven’t made time to take pictures of all its glory yet.
Oden is still awol. Freja is all the more snuggle-crazy – and we are all the more snuggle-crazy about her.
I’ve been crocheting and knitting and loving it.
More baking. This was yesterday. Orangey, marzipany, chocolatey yumminess.

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