Here and now…ish
I am writing again. Journaling, letters, something that could turn into a novel – and here. All thanks to Julia Cameron’s The Right To Write – or thanks to my friend A., who lent me TRTW? Or thanks to the book launch of another friend that made me want to write again? Or maybe thanks to everyone and everything at once. Either way, I am grateful.
Where to pick up again after such a long absence? How about here and now…ish.
Day 7
Day 6
The good news is: we do have internet at our new home. The bad news is: it’s terribly slow and I won’t be able to access it from my mac. No idea how this is going to affect my blogging (doesn’t seem like I could spread the posts any thinner as it already has been the case …). Right now we are at Peter’s mom’s, catching up on stuff. I am using this opportunity to post and schedule some posts to create the illusion that I am back, and frequently posting … So let’s get started on this catching up business.
Days 3, 4 & 5 | After
Looks like we’re driving up on Sunday, not tomorrow, as I thought. That kind of rendered my melt-down last night pointless, since it’s a lot less stressful this way …
I would not have survived this week without coffee and Daft Punk. Somehow the line „Our work is never over“ got stuck in my head by the end of the week …
Day 2 | After
Obviously not much point in a before pic – see yesterday’s after.
I am actually quite content right now with the progress, which is not how I felt yesterday and this morning when I woke up. It seemed like my goal to get this entire move over with before my birthday (this upcoming Sunday) was completely insane, and as usual, when I cannot meet my completely unrealistic expectations, instead of adjusting them I felt like a failure.
Somehow things flowed today, though, and all we have left to do now is clear out the kitchen and the balcony, and clean everything. If we get the last of the packing done tomorrow, we have Thursday and maybe even Friday for the cleaning. That doesn’t seem so crazy, does it?
I am super-grateful for help we’ve been offered from Peter’s brother. Renting trucks to pick up here and leave there is insanely expensive, so Peter’s ever so resourceful mom came up with the genius idea of renting a truck at rent-a-wreck in Sundsvall, having Felix drive it down here, and the three of us driving the truck with our stuff and our car back up the next day. That way it’ll all be done in one fell swoop. I am almost a little in shock that Felix agreed to do this – I am really not digging the whole moving thing, and frankly I wouldn’t even help myself if I had that option. And I don’t even have to go to work right now!? So, really grateful, and I hope Felix will never move because we owe him big time after this …
Day 1 | After
Day 1 | Before
This is what it looks like in our living room this morning:
August 23 2013
From now on, that’s a date worth remembering. It’s the day we bought the house. Yay! We are still determined to move in before September 1, so from here on out we’ll be busy packing and cleaning like maniacs.
What I do when I am not packing | Procrastination
We mean business. No, not the banana trade business. We mean the business that is packing so we get outta here.
Now we just have to pack our stuff. We still don’t know when we’re going to be able to move but when you think about it, packing a little each day would make it so much easier in the long run. „Would“ being the operative word here, since you know how these things go: you start out with a totally sensible game plan, and then you end up putting it off until the last minute, 30 seconds of which will be spent wondering why you didn’t stick with your plan, and what did you do with all that time anyway that you didn’t spent packing.
Well, let this be my account for at least part of that time not spent packing: obviously, I spend that time on the internet. Looking for inspiration for the part of the renovating process that I am looking forward to the most but which I already realized is going to end up pretty much on the bottom of the priority list of things that need fixing – decorating. Even I realized that waterproofing exterior unfortunately trumps beautifying interior.
So this is me preparing to get sucked into an alternate universe where things are upside down:
Well, so much for now. How do you spend your time procrastinating stuff? Got any inspiration for me (not in the procrastination department, doing pretty ok there by myself, but in the decorating department)? Feel free to send it my way!
Indestructible | Plant life
The deal with the house has felt so right and so real the whole time to me that making the down-payment (this past Monday) doesn’t even seem like that big of a milestone. The house has felt like ours the whole time.
Not even the fact that we’re still waiting for an appointment with a chimney sweeper (who, we hope, will tell us that everything is OK because otherwise things could suddenly take a turn towards pretty pricey …) can change that. Like I’ve been saying: I have come to the conclusion that I’d rather be excited about things than worried even if not everything is settled yet. If everything works out, then great – I did not waste any time worrying. If things don’t work out – then at least I had those moments of excitement and happiness. Anything can change at any time anyway, so.
The plants in our apartment, which we once again abandoned for a trip up north, remind me how powerful and amazing life is. If these little guys can bounce back like that, so can I if for some reason things with this house don’t turn out as I imagine …