I have been thinking about the blog a lot lately, but the task of trying to catch up on EVERYTHING that has happened since I last posted anything has been overwhelming. So I thought I’d let this feeling grow by waiting some more. And then, today, I thought I’ll just get going by not trying to catch up on EVERYTHING but just posting SOMETHING. Like pretty pictures of flowers. Voilà.

A visit to one of my co-workers inspired me …

… She had this table with lots of flower arrangements outside her front door …

… So I got all the vases/jars I had together and started picking flowers …

… and placed them everywhere on our veranda …

These are my favorites, by the way. „Skogsvioler“ in Swedish (forrest violets – a little more poetic than „common dog-violet“, donchathink?)

… apart from lupins, which are also my favorites.