Kissenbezüge | Pillow cases
EN – Like I said, happiness is for sharing. These are the pillow cases I made from the fabric I’ve had for ages, and which I am very happy with:
DE – Wie gesagt, Freude ist zum teilen da. Das sind die Kissenbezüge, die ich aus den Stoffresten gemacht habe und an deren Anblick ich mich gerade so sehr erfreue:
All yellow | The fall collection
Yup, it’s definitely fall. I am still not used to the fact that that doesn’t mean gray, rain and mud (hello Bremen, ’sup Gothenburg). Nope, here it means yellow, sun and more yellow.
This is what our little corner of the world looked like yesterday:
What I do when I am not packing | Procrastination
We mean business. No, not the banana trade business. We mean the business that is packing so we get outta here.
We got boxes alright … Now we just have to pack our stuff. We still don’t know when we’re going to be able to move but when you think about it, packing a little each day would make it so much easier in the long run. „Would“ being the operative word here, since you know how these things go: you start out with a totally sensible game plan, and then you end up putting it off until the last minute, 30 seconds of which will be spent wondering why you didn’t stick with your plan, and what did you do with all that time anyway that you didn’t spent packing.
Well, let this be my account for at least part of that time not spent packing: obviously, I spend that time on the internet. Looking for inspiration for the part of the renovating process that I am looking forward to the most but which I already realized is going to end up pretty much on the bottom of the priority list of things that need fixing – decorating. Even I realized that waterproofing exterior unfortunately trumps beautifying interior.
So this is me preparing to get sucked into an alternate universe where things are upside down:
I am definitely into the style of Jess‘ room … … and not just because it basically feels like my own after watching two seasons of New Girl in three days Digging the technical drawing of the dandelion. I also dig Catalina Estrada’s folklore wall paper art, although I don’t really care for how it looks like it was drawn on a computer. I guess I would like for it to be a little more scrawly. Still – pretty cool. *** *** I could go on – but I won’t check out Catalina Estrada’s site for more More folklore … and more. I wouldn’t want any of our rooms to look like this but I am liking the whole bright-colors-lots-of-ornaments-and-small-decorative-items thing that these folklore style rooms have going on Love the wall AND the tiles. I could also get down with an idea on the other end of the scale: an all white room with one element that pops out. Not necessarily with china dolls or a cheetah carpet … (Another) Future DIY project? Very much into yellow lately. I wonder if it’s just a phase or if I could actually live with wallpapers like these for a while … I’m thinking downstairs hallway. To be honest, I have seen these PiP wallpapers in a look book at a store (passing time waiting for the library to open, not that you asked), and I didn’t think they looked that great from up close. Anything that is processed by computer kind of loses it’s soul in my eyes … Maybe I need to draw my own wallpapers … Also digging turquoise in general and this baby in particular. Nice job! Well, so much for now. How do you spend your time procrastinating stuff? Got any inspiration for me (not in the procrastination department, doing pretty ok there by myself, but in the decorating department)? Feel free to send it my way!
New bling