Yes, another recipe from the Yogamat book. I actually didn’t deviate from the recipe here except for the decoration.

For one fancy yoga cake (ca. 12 slices):

  • 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) almonds, soak them in water for about 4 hours first
  • 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) dried dates, also: soak them in water for about 4 hours first
  • 2 tbs cocoa powder
  • 1 vanilla bean or 1 ts vanilla powder
  • 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) cashew nuts, also soaked for about 4 hours
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 ts ground cardamom
  • 1 dl (ca. 1/2 cup) agave syrup
  • 4 tbs coconut oil
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) raspberries
  • a pinch of sea salt
  • fresh berries and fruit as decoration – I used sea buckthorn and Physalis, and some Flower Power, an organic spice and herb mix

Line the bottom of a spring form pan with baking parchment. Mix almonds, dates (without the seeds, obvs), cocoa and the vanilla until the texture is grainy. This will be the bottom layer of the cake, so spread onto the spring form pan.

Mix cashew nuts, bananas, cardamom, agave syrup, coconut oil, lemon juice, raspberries and salt into a smooth mass.

Pour this mass onto the bottom. Put the cake in the freezer for at least four hours. This cake can easily be prepared the day before serving it. Just remember to take it out again a few hours before eating it.

Add you berries and fruit for decoration.

Note to self: next time remove the cake ring right after taking the cake out of the freezer …

Other yoga food recipes (or variations thereof) I’ve posted: