• Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Reisen

    Tadaah! – Get your very own personalized crystal oracle

    Ok everybody, this is it – I have reached the point where I admitted to myself that spending more hours trying to create the perfect banner for my etsy shop would just be plain old procrastination. „Perfect“ lives in Nevererverland, at least when it comes to looks.

    It’s really time to allow myself to share with you what is deeper than the perfect look, something I am very proud of as it is today: my personalized crystal readings. I have been doing them for myself for a while now, and sharing them on Instagram as @sarinescrystaloracle. Very excited to be doing them for you (or someone special to you) personally now!

    So without further ado, here it is!

    A part of me cringes at the idea of adding a phrase that’s meant to encourage you to buy this as a Christmas gift. But dangit, I do love getting and giving Christmas presents, and I can’t think of anything more fun AND useful than the gift of self-discovery. So if I weren’t doing these oracles myself, I’d be my own best customer, haha.

    Joy to the world!




  • Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Reisen

    Releasing blockages, activating potentials | Crystal healing

    deutsch svenska

    Releasing mental and physical blockages with the help of crystals

    Crystals are highly effective tools for getting in touch with the subconscious. More specifically, we can use crystals to send orders to our subconscious, which means we can use them to release mental and physical blockages.

    Conversely, crystals are also a great way for us to access information that we carry in our bodies and our subconscious. Thus we can use crystals to learn about our higher self, our true nature.

    Crystals as tools in our personal development – Open up the space for your potential

    Crystals are excellent tools when it comes to personal development. They give us access to information about the potential that lies within us. Qualities and abilities that are not active at the moment or at least not yet fully blossoming, but that we still carry within.

    Releasing blockades, awaking our potential – these two processes actually go hand in hand. Because wherever we overcome a blockade, a space opens up that wants to be filled with something new: with our potentials that want to be lived.

    As a crystal healer, I support you on your path of self-healing, and the unveiling of your potential. Find out more about how I can help you here.

  • Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Reisen

    Heliotrope | Sarine’s Crystal Oracle


    A vision needs grounding, and life here on earth is so much more fulfilling if it is guided by a vision.

    It’s good to have dreams and visions for your life. It means that you are connected with your origin, your heaven. Just remember that the bigger your dreams, or rather: the stronger your desire to manifest them here on earth, the more important it is to ground yourself. It’s simply a question of balance.

    Only the vision isn’t enough to actualize the dream, only being in the physical world can lead to a feeling of lack of purpose. You need both, the connection to your heaven as well as this earth.

    So when you have big dreams, make sure you remember to ground yourself. How do you do that? The simplest way is to pay attention to your body and its needs. Eat well (and by that I don’t mean following a specific diet, just eat whatever makes you feel comfortable in your skin). Make sure you get enough rest. See to it that you have a place in nature where you like to be. Being in nature is a great way to connect both with yourself as well as the earth and its inhabitants as a whole. Visit that place frequently, not for any particular activity, just allow yourself to be there.

    The notion that you could skip any of these things in order to make more time for more „productive“ activities is misguided because you will lose your focus in the long run if you neglect to stay grounded.

    And vice versa: if you find yourself consumed by the concerns of the physical world only, it is important that you allow yourself some time to dream. No matter how hard the burdens you might feel seem to press down on you. Especially when they feel so overwhelming that taking time to dream seems like an outrageous indulgence. So how do you do that? Take some time for „nothing“. Just let your thoughts wander aimlessly, do something just for the sheer joy of it. This helps you to open up as a creative channel, which in turn means you are in a position to receive those ideas and dreams that are waiting for you to notice them.

    More information about my Healing Art on my business website: https://sarineturhede.com/healingart/

    Let’s connect:

    Instagram @healing.art.by.sarine

    Facebook @healing.art.by.sarine

    Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/de/shop/HealingArtBySarine


  • Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Amritabha

    Done bullshitting myself | Crystal healing

    I am calling bullshit. On myself. In the very beginning of my time here at Amritabha, I was given the opportunity to use the counseling room for my crystal healing treatments. I thought: „Yeah, it’s time I get back into the swing of things. But not yet. I need clarity first! Maybe I haven’t offered any healing lately because I am unsure of why I am doing this? Yeah, I bet that’s it!“ I thought: „Maybe I need to make brochures, maybe putting into words what it is I’m actually doing will help me get that clarity, and then I’ll suddenly find myself offering treatments again“.

    No brochures, no facebook page, no website – clients happy anyway

    Two months in, I haven’t handed out a single brochure, my Facebook page is still inactive, and I still haven’t made a crystal healing page on my website (edit: in the process of writing this blog post I actually redid my Facebook page and I created a page for my crystal healing here). All those things I thought I needed to find clarity in order to get back into giving crystal healing. I have been giving treatments however. Some I just offered because I saw that I could do something, some I gave by request. And you know what? Every single client was happy with the result – despite the lack of brochures, Facebook page, subpage on website, and the supposed „lack of clarity“! Like I said: I’m calling bullshit on myself.

    Just get going – you can always improve once you got started

    The epiphany came this afternoon. I talked to a friend who wanted advice on her own endeavor to put more focus on her work as a healer. We talked about how to go about her website and the whole social media thing. When she asked me what I thought about her ideas, I told her that I could hear that she was a little hesitant, but that it was exactly the way she had put it in the beginning of our conversation: there will always be that doubt, that little bit of reluctance in the beginning. It’s all part of the process, and waiting for the time when that hesitation will have disappeared is fooling yourself. I said that I thought that the best thing to do would be to just go ahead with the website. That the ideas we had come up with this far were good enough to get us started, and that the whole point was just to get going. We could always improve later on.

    Done is better than good – The bullshit detector finally went off

    It’s so easy to see things focused when it comes to other people. Now that I am writing this, I can’t help but laugh at myself because guess what conclusion I drew from this conversation with my friend? That maybe I needed to get started on her website to help me see more clearly what I wanted for my own! Ha! Right, that’s exactly what I need, one more project to use as an excuse to procrastinate. I don’t know when exactly my bullshit detector finally went off, but at some point I could suddenly see how I was turning everything into an excuse – how I was convinced I wouldn’t be able to work from this desk, how I needed to water the flowers first, how now was not a good time because this wasn’t creating from a natural flow but rushing things because I wanted them too badly … It. Was. All. Bullshit.

    Maybe I will not pick the perfect title for the Facebook page this afternoon (edit: I think I did pretty good). Maybe I will not write the perfect text to sell my treatments (edit: pretty happy with that, too). Maybe I do have issues with the price I’m asking, and maybe it’s self-sabotage to be asking it anyway. Maybe I will not choose the perfect picture for the header (edit: don’t care). Maybe.

    Everything isn’t up to you – just do your best and trust that it’s enough

    The fact is, no matter how I tackle this, at the end of the day it’s not up to me whether someone decides to book my treatments. No matter what title, picture, text or pricing I choose, it will never speak to everybody. But if I don’t do anything at all because I am waiting for that perfect timing, the day I will feel ready to name the price that I in fact know my work is worth, the right whatever, I am not giving a single person the chance to find me. It’s like that joke with the guy that prays to God to win the lottery, and God answers: „I’d like to let you win, but I really need you to buy a ticket“.

    So this is me buying a ticket, right here, right now, no more bullshitting myself: I am here for you. I am a crystal healer, and a pretty good one, too. I have written about my kind of crystal healing – check out the links below. You can contact me with any crystal healing questions, and OF COURSE, you can book appointments with me. I am happy to receive you here at the Château Amritabha, which is where I am staying until the end of September.

    Want to know more?

    If you want to know more about my crystal healing, I did create that site after all.

    These are the blog posts I’ve written on crystal healing:

    Lemurian Crystal Healing Pt. 1

    Lemurian Crystal Healing Pt. 2

    Landscape healing | Photjournal

    On Wanting and Being Content

    Doing it anyway| Amritabha new moon theme: Accepting your power

    Get in touch with me

    Follow Sarine’s Crystal Healing on facebook. That’s the easiest way to get in touch with me, too, for all things crystal healing. Of course, you can also eMail me – sarine.turhede (at) gmx.com.

  • Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Amritabha

    Doing it anyway| Amritabha new moon theme: Accepting your power

    Accepting your own power is this new moon cycle’s theme here at Amritabha. And it’s really got me going on all levels. It figures, since you can’t accept your power „just a little bit“. Either you’re doing it or you’re not. Daring to accept your power doesn’t mean everything will run smoothly once you made that decision. That’s the challenge: when you dare to do that, it means that you accept entering a situation without being sure of its outcome. Those who dare to do that don’t do it in the spirit of „I know how to do this 100%“. We do it in the spirit of „Maybe I don’t have it all figured out but I’m doing this anyway“.

    What if I don’t have it in me?

    During my stay here at Amritabha, I scored an amazing writing job. I was stoked. Up until the moment when it was time to finally sit down and get started. I freaked out. What’s worse: my mind just went blank. Yikes! I was admiring this person whom I was supposed to write for so much that I ended up putting myself under a ton of pressure. This just has to turn out GREAT! What if I can’t do it? What if they are wrong about me, and I just don’t have it in me?! Gulp. This. Is. Not.Working.


    Ideas don’t come from me – they come through me

    Suddenly I remembered: I can do this. That’s why I got this job in the first place. Of course it’s not going to work if I’m panicking. The only thing that does work is this: reminding myself that it’s not actually my mind that has to make all this up. When I write – no; when I write well – it doesn’t come from me. It comes through me. It’s ideas, sentences, thoughts that are floating out there in the space surrounding me, waiting for me to catch them. The only thing I need to do is be aware of it, open myself to the process, and allow myself to become the channel for these ideas and words. It’s simple yet challenging. This approach only requires one single thing of me: unconditional trust in my intuition.  The certainty that whatever it is I am perceiving is exactly what wants to be said.


    Clearing myself, opening up, being present – I want to live my life the way I give crystal healing

    I discovered this technique, this understanding of the creative process, during my crystal healer training with Dauri Neumann. Somehow I just had this trust in myself there. It was easy for me to accept that I couldn’t plan the sessions ahead or prepare them in any other way. The only thing I could do was clear my mind, open up, and be present – to the recipient of the treatment, to the healing that wanted to come through me and the stones, and to the assistance of the divine. That was a very powerful experience, and I thought „I want to live my life the way I give crystal healing“.

    This approach comes pretty easy as long as I’m writing for myself. I’m free, don’t have any particular point in mind I want to make, I can just allow myself to see where my writing is going. That copy job had different prerequisites, so my mind started rolling this film like I’ve trained it to do for years: You should know your stuff better! I can’t say anything meaningful until I’ve done more research! You have no idea what you’re doing! So far you’ve always managed to get by but this time they’ll call your bluff! And so on. It was a total blast from the past, the high school and university years. My performance was always excellent, and still I always panicked at some point when writing my papers.

    You don’t deliver because of the stress but in spite of it

    Back then I thought that this pressure, this stress was the part of the process that made sure I delivered. I think differently now. I did not deliver because of that fear of failure. I delivered in spite of it. The way I see things now, I was afraid because I didn’t know where my thoughts really came from, and why they were good. How could I possibly be sure it would work the next time? For my thoughts didn’t come from my intellect back then, either. They came through it. It was the same principle at work there, even if I wasn’t aware of it: thoughts were buzzing in the air around me and I just caught them. Of course you need to dive into in a topic, do your research. However, if I’d been aware back then of the learning/writing process the way I see it today, I probably would have trusted my instinct with more ease, when it came to determining what was enough information.


    The message of listlessness: this isn’t going anywhere

    That feeling did exist: it entered the stage as listlessness. I thought I needed to make myself read more (it was never enough!). I often failed at that. That brought on the guilt: You’ve done way too little again! There were few moments where I could acknowledge the thought that I was reluctant towards work because it was not really meaningful. It was only serving one purpose: soothing my conscience, so that I could assure myself I’d done enough.

    Accept your doubt just as much as you accept your power – that way you’ll be able to get it done

    This look at the past that this writing job granted me was an opportunity to break the spell. Not only do I know now that I want to live my life the way I give crystal healing treatments. I am finally convinced that it’s possible.

    How do I prove myself I’m right? Very simple, very challenging: I’m doing it. With my fears, doubts, and my resistance. It helps to remember that all they want to do is play. You can do it anyway.

    Open yourself to the wonders that want to come into the world through you

    That’s what I mean when I talk about accepting your power: opening up to the wonders that want to come into this world through us (the small ones just as much as the big ones). Trusting that we are provided with everything we need to manifest them. Not to waste our power fighting our doubt but keep trusting. Trusting that our power is sufficient to both manifest our dreams, and carry that doubt.


    Recommended reading

    Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert was a real eye-opener for me when it comes to the creative process. I was especially inspired by Gilbert’s description of how she deals with fears and doubt. It makes it impossible not to love them. According to my not so humble opinion this book is a must-read. Not just for artists but for everyone who wants to live a happy and fulfilled life.

  • Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Reisen

    Lemurian Crystal Healing | Part 2

    It would be misleading to claim that my experience of the Lemurian Crystal Seminar reflects anything other than, well, my experience. Therefore I want to complement yesterday’s post with a few things to give you a better picture of what you’re in for if you are considering Dauri’s Lemurian Crystal Seminar (or her Crystal Healer Training).


    One way of teaching is to share what you know. This is useful when you are privy to information others cannot access. This form of teaching preserves one form of knowledge, one truth, if you will. For as long as the teachings are applied accurately, that is. In some cases this may mean: for as long as the teacher is present to supervise the application of their knowledge.

    Another way of teaching is to help others access their own knowledge. This is especially useful when it comes to information that is not stored in one place but in different locations. When it comes to crystal healing, both forms of teaching are relevant. It all depends on the purpose. At times it may be useful to pass on specific techniques.

    However, crystal healing knowledge is inherent in many – if not all – individuals, yet many of us have forgotten how to access (or have chosen to forget how to access) that personal knowledge. So there is also a need for a form of teaching that helps the individual to recover their personal knowledge. This may not necessarily preserve one particular technique. Instead it generates a multitude of unique forms of knowledge, all representing different aspects of crystal healing.

    If you want to convince yourself of Dauri’s personal crystal healing expertise, make an appointment for a crystal healing treatment. If you want to unlock your own, unique crystal knowledge, sign up for one of her seminars.


    For this is the power and the beauty of Dauri’s seminars: she opens up a space where each participant can reconnect with their inherent crystal (healing) knowledge. Therefore, what you get is really a custom-tailored experience, as you might expect of a one-on-one coaching. At the same time you are also benefiting from the group experience: Since you are practicing your healing techniques with the other participants, you get a ton of incredibly powerful treatments yourself during the course of the seminar.

    Thanks to the fact that Dauri’s teaching is very hands-on you gain the ability to expertly apply your (re-)discovered knowledge very quickly. One of the side-effects is an incredible boost for your confidence.

    To sum things up: Dauri is a great healer AND teacher. If you are truly interested in unlocking and exploring your own potential as a (crystal) healer, you will be able to do so with the help of her guidance. If you are interested in something else, she will probably help you get there, too.


  • Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Reisen

    Lemurian Crystal Healing | Part 1

    With everything that I had going on up until the last minute of my stay at my grandparents‘ house, I suddenly arrived in Landskrona, Sweden, realizing that I hadn’t spent a single thought on the Lemurian Crystal Healing seminar. The one that I was going to participate in. Like, the next day. Usually I spend money on things (including knowledge offered in seminars) I feel I am lacking. So naturally, there is anticipation, there is hope (that this one might be The Thing That Finally Makes Me Happy or The Answer), and therefore also hesitation (what if this is not The Thing That Finally Makes Me Happy or The Answer?).


    When I signed up for the Crystal Healer training with Dauri last year, I didn’t know much about crystals or crystal healing, wasn’t even particularly interested in the subject. I signed up simply because I felt it was important (The Path Into Light had shown it as part of my path). Therefore, I had expectations – that it would help me grow, that it was an important part of my journey towards myself, towards becoming the person I wanted to be. (My expectations were fulfilled in ways I could not have imagined, by the way.)


    If you think that choice was based on very little, this time I had even less: the Lemurian Crystal Seminar was not something I had foreseen at any point as an important piece of the puzzle of my life. I just had the feeling I should go. When I arrived, I realized something rare: I felt complete. I have been content with myself for a while now, and the periods of me truly feeling at peace with myself and my life keep getting longer and longer. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying I am perfect – but I feel happy with who I am and where I am headed, and underneath everything I do I feel a certainty that my life is flowing in the right direction on its own accord right now.


    This raised some questions that I can’t say I have ever asked myself before: What is the point of healing when you feel whole already? What is there to gain when you feel like nothing is missing? What could possibly be added? The answer is: so much more.


    The reason these questions surfaced was that during the seminar we, the participants, gave each other treatments to practice our own techniques. When it was my turn to receive healing, I kept finding myself not knowing what to ask for. And time and time again my healers treated me to incredible gifts.


    One of the most significant insights for me this weekend was that the more I allowed myself to accept my state of wholeness, and (I have to admit this one still feels a little difficult to say out loud) my greatness, the easier it got for me to perceive the others‘ wholeness, their greatness, and what incredible healers they were.


    We seem to talk about the importance of loving ourselves a lot. I know I have. But we don’t seem to know what we are talking about. Well, I should speak for myself: I had no idea what I was talking about. This past weekend helped me I understand at the deepest level that self-love has nothing to do with narcissism or egotism. On the contrary, as long as we don’t love ourselves, we are constantly burdening others with our craving their approval (or rejection, depends on how you’re wired).


    I know what I am talking about: the list of things I have done in my life just because I wanted someone’s respect/attention/praise is long. And it’s not that I never got others‘ approval. I have the grades from high school and university to prove it. Interestingly, all the praise I ever got was never enough. When I was 18, I entered the competition of an acclaimed German paper with an essay. I was among the ten finalists. Wanna know what conclusion I drew from this? I was convinced that I was no good at writing because, you know, I didn’t win. (They even quoted from my essay during the award ceremony. Nope, not good enough …)


    This past weekend showed me what self-love does to our relationship with others: It turns out that when we are in that state where we are at peace with ourselves, when we can see what beautiful and powerful beings we are, we suddenly don’t need others to give us what we are denying ourselves. Thus others are suddenly free to be more than a supporting role in the drama that is our life. We are free to see them as the beautiful and powerful beings they are. We are free to interact and communicate on a much deeper level. Our interaction stops being a negotiation, there is no agenda tied to what we have to offer each other. Instead there is light and lightheartedness to our interaction, and ironically it is exactly our not depending on the others‘ acknowledgement that allows us to feel truly seen for who we are. What greater gift could we possibly have for one another?

    Thank you Dauri, Sejana and Tshira for sharing your light with me – and thank you for making me feel seen at the deepest level.