Angezeigt: 1 - 10 von 13 ERGEBNISSEN
Bewusst Leben Sarines Göteborg

Let it grow

While we are spending more and more time dreaming about our new home, and especially the prospect of being closer to nature, we still do enjoy our balcony. Especially now that the plants are growing more and more, and you can see a change every day. … and I wonder how far they will make …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Göteborg

Junk Food – for real

I am not only a hoarder when it comes to thrift-stores, no, I also hoard books. Library books. I cannot praise Gothenburg’s library enough – free membership, branches in every part of town, a huge selection, and, the best of all (yet also my downfall, as will soon become apparent): you can borrow a lot …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Göteborg

Thrift-store raid

I can never go into a thrift-store without buying a bunch of stuff. So I am equally thrilled as terrified by the fact that here in Sweden thrift-stores (called „loppis“, short for „loppmarknad“ = flee-market) are all over the place. I kid you not: even when you’re driving on the loneliest road through the woods …