Bewusst Leben,  Sarines Göteborg

Straw bale house

Time flies by as always. I have an intense week at work coming up. My boss is participating in a conference, and I’m one of the two P. A.s accompanying her. We’re heading to exotic Sigtuna tomorrow, back Friday night if all goes well.

Before I leave (still undecided whether to take my laptop with me or not), I want to share some pix with you I took this week when Peter and I visited a Charlotte and Jan-Olav and their kids, who have built a straw bale house. I want one!!! Plus they had super-cute kittens. I want those, too!!!

This is how I like my country-side: rustic & idyllic.

Voilà – le straw bale house. Isn’t it gorgeous?

Love those windows, too.

I want to live here.

Really, I mean it. Right here.


Work in progress, the space to the right is going to be the kitchen.


Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of blur fur …

… soft kitty, sleepy kitty, purr, purr, purr.



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