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Bewusst Leben Sarines Amritabha

About soul names

Update: I first wrote and published this post 13 June 2017, shortly after I had asked for and received my soul name. The other day I came across a YouTube-Video with Eckhart Tolle, where he shares the story of how he changed his name to „Eckhart“. So I remembered my own story and updated this …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Stade

On dreams

Four years ago around this time of year I was standing in the backyard of a friend, crying my eyes out because it was just so beautiful. She was living the country life I wanted to have for myself – house on the countryside, growing her own veggies, a pantry stuffed with dried herbs, a …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Gedanken

On abundance

I have been thinking about money a lot lately. Or rather: I have been observing the way I think about money, and how I handle money. Three things have triggered this sudden interest: First off, I am at my grandparents‘ house, and a lot of family-related issues have surfaced since my arrival, the importance of …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Gedanken

On choices

As some of you know, I have lived a pretty secluded life over the past few years. House on the Swedish countryside, no internet at home, limited cell phone use, long distances to my friends and not very travel-friendly (or super travel-friendly, depending on how you look at it – pretty much every outing was …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Stöde

A path into light

It’s been two years on this day that I completed a seminar on finding yourself, and your purpose in this life. My expectations, which were pretty high, were surpassed. I gained a lot of insights about myself and life in general during the seminar. To this day these insights keep unfolding even more, my understanding …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Stöde

On blogging again

So. I guess I’m blogging again. Yay! How terrifying! There has been an ongoing internal debate over the past weeks (months?!) on that issue. 1. whether or not to blog at all, 2: if so, why and why now, 3: what and what not, and finally: how to begin. In case you are a more …