Voilà. Einrichten und Einleben, online dating, Dhuni.
Happy New Year
Not everything is going to be our greatest work ever but the greatest work comes as much from inspired action as it does from being persistent, from keeping at it, from writing/painting/filming ourselves through all the other days.
Archie’s first Christmas | Photo Journal
EN – So this was Christmas. We spent Christmas morning in the tree house, drinking coffee, eating saffrons buns and exchanging gifts of course. Later that day we went to Jason’s parents for a fun and yummy Christmas dinner. DE – Das war also Weihnachten. Wir verbrachten den Vormittag (also am 25.) im Baumhaus, mit …
Spiritual hairdresser Shakandra | Photography | Behind the scenes
Auf deutsch? Bitte nach unten scrollen. EN – Here is a little behind the scenes from the photo session with spiritual hairdresser Shakandra Weinberg and model Gaelle. I always feel that every photo session is my favorite and my best. And so I do about this one. Some might say despite the fact that the …
Hastings, New Zealand | Photo journal
EN – This is what it looks like at Frida’s & Jason’s. Frida is a friend I met when I lived in Sundsvall, Sweden. We worked together for two summers, then she went to travel and work in New Zealand, and then she didn’t come back. I can kinda see why. DE – So sieht …
Sheffield, Tasmania (AU) | Photo journal
DE – Bin seit einer Woche in Sheffield auf Tasmanien (oder „Tassie“, wie die Einheimischen sagen). Ich wohne bei dem Bruder meiner Freundin Lisa und seiner Familie. Es ist ein schönes Gefühl, von Menschen, die ich eigentlich gar nicht kenne (wir haben vor meiner Ankunft einmal kurz geskyped), so herzlich aufgenommen zu werden. Danke Em …
Dauri’s & Bernard’s Wedding | Photo journal
DE – Gestern haben meine Kristallheilerlehrerin Dauri & ihr Bernard geheirtatet. So schön waren die beiden. <3 Von Herzen alles Gute zu Eurer Hochzeit und für Euer weiteres gemeinsames Leben. EN – Yesterday my crytsal healer teacher Dauri and her Bernard got married. Such a beautiful couple! <3 Wishing you all things light and lovely …
Find clarity, love yourself, be joyful
There has been a lot going on in my life lately. Internally as well as externally. Something has been put into motion, a lot of wonderful, happy things have come my way. Along with them came old fears. The fear that that happiness could be taken away from me again at any point, for example. …
Amritabha | Photojournal
DE – Jetzt bin ich seit 13 Tagen hier in Amritabha. Zeit für ein paar Bilder. EN – I have been here at Amritabha for 13 days now. Time to show some pictures. Mein Zimmer. Sai Baba lässt grüßen. | My room. Sai Baba says hello. DE – Meine Steine sind natürlich mit dabei. Und …
May | Mai
ENGLISH – A little recap in pictures of the month that just swooshed by. I spent most of it with my friend’s La and C. in Tollered, Sweden outside Gothenburg. Summer in Sweden is really something, and we were blessed with sunshine galore. The wedding of La and C. made this particular May extra special, …