Für Rezept und Bilder bitte scrollen, für Küchenphilosophie einfach am Anfang anfangen. 🙂 Mir ist kürzlich erst wieder einmal bewusst geworden, wie sehr Veränderung zu meinem Wesen gehört. Ich weiß nicht, wie es dir geht, aber ich gehe immer wieder durch Phasen, in denen ich mich nach Beständigkeit sehne – danach, endlich anzukommen. Einen Ort …
Idea treasure chest
I like putting down my ideas on little scraps of paper but lately there have been so many that it got kind of cluttered in my work space. So I thought that I wanted to get a pretty box for all my ideas. I came to my senses and realized that I wanted to MAKE …
Crochet booties
I love the fact that I can turn this into this I got the idea from this book with crocheting/knitting/embroidery projects by Sanna Vatanen. Oden and Freya are digging my booties, too.
Boho bedroom curtains
I keep hoarding fabric – luckily, I am also still riding that wave where I keep making stuff. My most recent project: curtains for the second bedroom window. After initially worrying I might have gone too far with this one (too much going on, pattern-, color-, crochet-trimming-wise), I realized that I really do like the …
The Holmberg Bag
I am sure I have mentioned my obsession with Karin Holmberg. Well, her art, that is. The other day I embroidered this purse inspired by one of her designs.
Boho bedroom
A friend asked me to show some pictures of our house. Since the bedroom has been my latest project, and the only one that I am not done yet happy with, I started with that. Voilà: Ok, I am starting to post cat pictures. Time to go home. In case you’re wondering: yes, some of …
Christmas presents | Wall hangings
I have been in a crafting frenzy for the past weeks. I got this idea that I wanted to create wall hangings for my nieces and nephews this Christmas. I have been interested in sewing but never patient enough to learn all the proper techniques. I basically could do pillow cases and bags – no …
Let it grow
It has been quiet around here, I know. I think our slow internet connection at home is the main reason, but also I went through a rough patch where I didn’t feel like I had anything to share here. Things have turned around faster than I could have imagined, and I am feeling inspired and …
Castration, crafts, and germination
Totally not motivated to sit at office any longer on a Saturday afternoon, even less motivated after discovery that cute cat pictures still on camera, not computer. No other recent pictures, so words only. Bear with me (hate blog posts without pix, worse than posts with only cute animal pix). Writing about cute animals instead. …
Just one thing
I have been thinking a lot about how long I haven’t written anything, and how I could catch you up on everything that has happened. It’s been so much, though, that it’s only made me put off writing. So I decided I’d just write to say I’m still here. I still need to go to …