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Bewusst Leben Sarines Amritabha

On Beauty

I used to have mixed feelings about beauty. Both when it came to myself but also when it came to the question of whether or not it really could be found in everything that exists on this planet. Whether or not it was OK to find it in everything. What part does perception play in the process? What is beauty anyway? Does it even matter? What do you think? Here’s how I see things now.

Bewusst Leben Sarines Amritabha

About soul names

Update: I first wrote and published this post 13 June 2017, shortly after I had asked for and received my soul name. The other day I came across a YouTube-Video with Eckhart Tolle, where he shares the story of how he changed his name to „Eckhart“. So I remembered my own story and updated this …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Reisen

Lemurian Crystal Healing | Part 2

It would be misleading to claim that my experience of the Lemurian Crystal Seminar reflects anything other than, well, my experience. Therefore I want to complement yesterday’s post with a few things to give you a better picture of what you’re in for if you are considering Dauri’s Lemurian Crystal Seminar (or her Crystal Healer …