It has been quiet around here, I know. I think our slow internet connection at home is the main reason, but also I went through a rough patch where I didn’t feel like I had anything to share here. Things have turned around faster than I could have imagined, and I am feeling inspired and …
the big things
Happy B-Day, me!
I spent the entire day in a car, which is not really how I had planned it but the important part is: I was at our new home before the end of the day. This sunrise greeted me when I got up that morning: Quite the appropriate start, don’t you think? Something really strange and …
August 23 2013
From now on, that’s a date worth remembering. It’s the day we bought the house. Yay! We are still determined to move in before September 1, so from here on out we’ll be busy packing and cleaning like maniacs.
Indestructible | Plant life
The deal with the house has felt so right and so real the whole time to me that making the down-payment (this past Monday) doesn’t even seem like that big of a milestone. The house has felt like ours the whole time. Not even the fact that we’re still waiting for an appointment with a …
The gap that allows for change to take place …
… I think that’s what this thing I am in is. Here is the current state of affairs: I now have an indefinite residence permit for Sweden – yay! We’ll be able to have a phone at the house – yay! We’ll be able to have internet at the house – yay! The internet will …
Last night we visited a former colleague of Peter’s. They don’t call him „Indian-Per“ for nothing: he’s single-handedly turned the farm he bought into a ranch. This guy really has an eye (and two hands) for details. I took some pix, check it out: So inspiring to meet someone with a vision and so much …
Summary – So lucky | Feng Shui
In this last part of my little „Feng Shui 101“ it is time for the big reveal. At least it’s big for me. However, I am going to begin with a summary of what I find to be the most important points. So, be patient – or scroll to the end of this article. With …
Lucky and unlucky compass points | Feng Shui
Before I go into the different kinds of houses and their respective beneficial and detrimental areas (according to the compass tradition of Feng Shui), here’s a brief overview over those lucky and unlucky directions/areas: Lucky directions – and their main benefits Sheng Chi (Breath Of Life) – wealth/prosperity Tien Yi (Heavenly Doctor) – health Nien …
The importance of back doors | Feng Shui
Now for the houses and their lucky and unlucky areas. According to the compass school of Feng Shui, there are eight different types of houses, depending on which compass point the back door is facing. (It doesn’t seem to matter, whether your house actually has a back door, it’s automatically the side opposite the side …