DE – La und Christer sind diese Woche in Ribeauvillé, juhuu! Am Montag waren wir zusammen auf dem Odilienberg, einem ehemaligen Kloster mit Heilquelle. Da konnte man schön im Wald wandern, wie ihr seht: EN – La and Christer are here in Ribeauvillé this week, yay! On Monday we went to Mont Sainte Odile, a …
the great outdoors
Food Hallelujah Amen | Vrångö, Sweden
SVENSKA – Älskade La ska gifta sig! Såklart att hon måste få en möhippa. För att fira i Las anda krävs det följande: umgås med fina vänner, skratta mycket (några tårar är absolut tillåtna), äta en massa god mat och mest av allt: njuta av naturen. Las väninna Tove hittade det perfekta stället som möjliggjorde …
On choices
As some of you know, I have lived a pretty secluded life over the past few years. House on the Swedish countryside, no internet at home, limited cell phone use, long distances to my friends and not very travel-friendly (or super travel-friendly, depending on how you look at it – pretty much every outing was …
All yellow | The fall collection
Yup, it’s definitely fall. I am still not used to the fact that that doesn’t mean gray, rain and mud (hello Bremen, ’sup Gothenburg). Nope, here it means yellow, sun and more yellow. This is what our little corner of the world looked like yesterday:
Project of the day | The sunny season’s living-room
Today I am going to take on balkonia, and hopefully turn this sadness into something … well, better. Can’t get so much worse, right? Here’s to hoping that I’ll be able to show you some after pix tonight. Have a wonderful Saturday everyone!