Spring cleaning pt. 1
The urge to spring clean has overcome me early this year. And I am not even going to work my way up, I am going to start with the kitchen. Cleaning, and rearranging, and throwing out stuff we never use, and all that jazz. So, you probably won’t hear from me the rest of the day. Or ever again because this might take a long time.
This is what it looks like right now:

Here’s to hoping that it’ll look better by tonight, that I won’t get fed up in the middle of it, and just eat take-out from paper plates for the rest of my life.
If this makes anyone go „This is what I should be doing but I really don’t feel like it“, I recommend Karen Kingston’s Clear Your Clutter with Feng Shui. It is an easy and inspirational read, and it’ll motivate you.
Basically, if you want things to happen in your life, new things to arrive, you have to make room by getting rid of old stuff that you have no use for anymore, that only sits there and steals your energy. Sound familiar? That’s right.
So let’s let go of the old and make room for the new.
That is so true. I only wish I had your energy and enthusiasm!!
I hope you will succeed in your mission and be pleased with the result.
Good luck!
Thanks, Birgitta! Energy and enthusiasm didn’t last as long as I had imagined. I am pretty good at making completely unrealistic plans – like cleaning the entire kitchen inside and out in one day. Then I get frustrated when I realize that my planning was crazy. So today I had the opportunity to practice being kind to myself, and focusing on what I did get done.