EN – This is what it looks like at Frida’s & Jason’s. Frida is a friend I met when I lived in Sundsvall, Sweden. We worked together for two summers, then she went to travel and work in New Zealand, and then she didn’t come back. I can kinda see why. DE – So sieht …
Sarines Reisen
Tadaah! – Get your very own personalized crystal oracle
Ok everybody, this is it – I have reached the point where I admitted to myself that spending more hours trying to create the perfect banner for my etsy shop would just be plain old procrastination. „Perfect“ lives in Nevererverland, at least when it comes to looks. It’s really time to allow myself to share …
Releasing blockages, activating potentials | Crystal healing
deutsch svenska Releasing mental and physical blockages with the help of crystals Crystals are highly effective tools for getting in touch with the subconscious. More specifically, we can use crystals to send orders to our subconscious, which means we can use them to release mental and physical blockages. Conversely, crystals are also a great way …
Lösa blockader, aktivera potentialer | Kristallhealing
deutsch English Lösa mentala och fysiska blockader med hjälp av kristaller Kristaller är otroligt effektiva verktyg för att komma i kontakt med det undermedvetna. Närmare sagt kan vi använda kristaller för att ge uppdrag åt vårt undermedvetna, vilket innebär att vi kan använda dem för att lösa mentala och fysiska blockeringar. Åt andra hållet är …
7 things about me | The VBA Part 3
So this is me jumping through the final hoop of the Versatile Blogger Award, according to which I am supposed to „tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself“. Katey, since this one’s for you, I am responding to a couple of things you said about yourself in your post: I cannot keep …
15 bloggers who inspire me | The VBA Part 2
„Honor those bloggers who bring something special to your life whether every day or only now and then.“ – I like that. I thought I’d write a little about each of the 15 bloggers I chose because I want you to know what it is that I appreciate about them. That is not part of …
On being needy and recognizing our needs | The VBA Part 1
Something very nice happened to me: I was nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, by Katey from femenish.com. It’s a little funny because the other day when I checked out her blog, I saw that she had written a post on having been nominated for a blogging award, and how it was such a pleasant …
Vom Laufen und Stolpern
In meinem letzten Blog schrieb ich, dass ich glücklich bin, obwohl das Leben gerade kein ständiges Picknick im Park ist. Meine Mentorin gab mir ein Bild, das mir noch besser gefällt. Sie sprach von neuen Räumen, die sich gerade geöffnet haben, und die ich jetzt gerade betrete ohne so recht zu wissen, was die Gesetzmäßigkeiten …
On walking and stumbling
In my last blog I wrote that this is happy although it’s not a constant walk in the park. My coach gave me a picture that I like even better. She suggested that I am at a stage in my life right now where new spaces have opened up, I have entered a new room, …
On the home within
deutsch I have been thinking about how I wanted to make my blog a travel blog and post pictures of the places I’m visiting, and talk about my adventures. And I think that’s where a misconception entered the stage: I suddenly had this idea that I couldn’t talk about what was really going on with …