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Sarines Gedanken Erkenntnisse Heilungswege
Sarines Gedanken

Erkenntnisse eines Heilungsprozesses

OK, den Bananenbrot-Einstiegs-Post haben wir hinter uns – es kommt mir trotzdem schwer vor, hier wieder einzusteigen. Das Wissen, dass meine Mutter alles liest, was ich schreibe (hallo Mama), macht es nicht leichter. Egal. Also. Ich wollte ja darüber schreiben, was das bei mir für ein Heilungsprozess war, der mich so beschäftigt hat und was …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Gedanken

On abundance

I have been thinking about money a lot lately. Or rather: I have been observing the way I think about money, and how I handle money. Three things have triggered this sudden interest: First off, I am at my grandparents‘ house, and a lot of family-related issues have surfaced since my arrival, the importance of …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Gedanken

On choices

As some of you know, I have lived a pretty secluded life over the past few years. House on the Swedish countryside, no internet at home, limited cell phone use, long distances to my friends and not very travel-friendly (or super travel-friendly, depending on how you look at it – pretty much every outing was …