Recipe – Scones
When I was an exchange student in the USA, my (host) mom would make pancakes or scones on the weekends for breakfast. I loved and kept this tradition later on. Until I – like most people it seems, including my host family – kind of fell of the sugar and carb wagon. But the other day I just couldn’t resist. So if you want to celebrate this Sunday (or my American mom), make some scones!
Here’s my mom’s recipe for 12 scones:
2 3/4 cups (ca. 6,5 dl) flour (I used whole wheat)
1/2 cup (ca. 1 dl) sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
3/4 cups (ca. 2 dl) firm butter, cut into small pieces
1 cup (ca. 2,5) milk
add fruit if desired- Mix dry ingredients,
- cut in butter until crumbs,
- stir in milk,
- knead 25 times,
- shape and place 2 inches apart.
- Bake 400° F (200 ° C) for 18-22 minutes
During the colder season, I like to add orange zest – lemon zest tastes great, too, but to me it’s more of a „cold“/fresh taste (= summer in my mind), while orange feels more „warm“. You know what I mean?
My favorite breakfast – besides American pancakes, of course! -
Recipe – Fancy yoga cake
Yes, another recipe from the Yogamat book. I actually didn’t deviate from the recipe here except for the decoration.
For one fancy yoga cake (ca. 12 slices):
- 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) almonds, soak them in water for about 4 hours first
- 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) dried dates, also: soak them in water for about 4 hours first
- 2 tbs cocoa powder
- 1 vanilla bean or 1 ts vanilla powder
- 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) cashew nuts, also soaked for about 4 hours
- 2 bananas
- 1 ts ground cardamom
- 1 dl (ca. 1/2 cup) agave syrup
- 4 tbs coconut oil
- juice of 1 lemon
- 5 dl (ca. 2 cups) raspberries
- a pinch of sea salt
- fresh berries and fruit as decoration – I used sea buckthorn and Physalis, and some Flower Power, an organic spice and herb mix
Line the bottom of a spring form pan with baking parchment. Mix almonds, dates (without the seeds, obvs), cocoa and the vanilla until the texture is grainy. This will be the bottom layer of the cake, so spread onto the spring form pan.
Mix cashew nuts, bananas, cardamom, agave syrup, coconut oil, lemon juice, raspberries and salt into a smooth mass.
Pour this mass onto the bottom. Put the cake in the freezer for at least four hours. This cake can easily be prepared the day before serving it. Just remember to take it out again a few hours before eating it.
Add you berries and fruit for decoration.
Note to self: next time remove the cake ring right after taking the cake out of the freezer … Other yoga food recipes (or variations thereof) I’ve posted:
- Ginger elixir
- Banana blueberry hazelnut muffins
Recipe – Banana blueberry hazelnut muffins
This one is for Dina. It’s a recipe based on „Nötiga bananmuffins“ („Nutty banana muffins“) out of Yogamat (which would translate to „Yoga food“) by Anna Gidgård and Cecilia Davidsson. The book’s design is very appealing and makes you want to try out every single one of the recipes: lots of pictures that fill entire pages, and the photography is beautiful. Not that much background information, though. I always like knowing what certain recipes/ingredients are good for, but hey – there’s other books for that.
As most of the times, I didn’t exactly stick to the recipe. The blueberries were not in it but I happened to have them, and I like the combination of banana and blueberry. Oh yeah, did I mention this is gluten-free/low-carb? Well, it is. So here it comes:
For 15 muffins you need:
- 3 dl (ca. 1 1/4 cup) almonds
- 3 dl (ca. 1 1/4 cup) hazelnuts
- 1 dl (ca. 1/2 cup) coconut oil (or butter)
- 2 bananas
- 1/4 ts ground pepper
- 3 ts cinnamon
- 3 ts cardamom
- blueberries (I don’t know how much I used, go with your gut)
- a pinch of salt
Preheat oven to 175° C / 350° F. Use a blender to process the almonds and the hazelnuts into flour. Add the coconut oil, the bananas and the rest of the ingredients to the flour. Mix well. Use two spoons to place the batter into small muffin forms. Bake for about 35 minutes. Done!
very blueberry -
Spring cleaning pt. 3
Mission completed! I did enough to be able to abandon this project, and show some after pictures that don’t reveal everything I didn’t do. Success! Oh yeah, and I tried out some more no poo methods which I now can recommend with a clean conscience.
I wish it actually looked like this … … but this is more accurate. Actually, no, it’s still too staged. Except for the mugs. Yup, there’s two of us – and Peter usually sticks to one mug, so … you figure it out. It actually looks a bit sterile … hm. My best friend (apart from lemon and baking soda): white vinegar. Forgot the before pic, so here’s one from during the process. After. It’s an old stove, so this really is the best it’s looked since I moved in. The yuckiest part: under the sink, where we keep all the recycling bags/bins and the compost. Still couldn’t win a beauty prize for this but again: old kitchen, lots of people have lived in this apartment. I cleaned the stove according to this recipe: Sprinkle some baking soda onto the plates, add some drops of white vinegar, let it sit while you do the rest of the cleaning. Then you just wipe it off. Before wiping the stuff off, I used one of those metal brushes (I don’t know what the technical term is, they are specifically for these kind of stoves). I found the recipe for this on a Swedish site, they had a lot more useful tips on cleaning, mostly also no poo: Bästa städtipsen för ett fint hem.
For all of the surfaces (cupboard doors, tiles, working spaces, mopping the floor) I used the white vinegar/lemon/water mixture again. For the sink I just cut a lemon in half, rubbed it in and let it sit for a while before rinsing with water. Again, I am really satisfied with the results, so I am definitely done with the poo that we have standing around here.
I found another link with no poo cleaning methods on ByzantineFlowers (I really find this blog inspiring, makes me wnat to try out a bunch of their recipes!): DIY Citrus Cleaner – you’ll find a lot more no poo alternatives than what the title reveals.
Spring cleaning pt. 2
Although I didn’t get as far as I had hoped, I still got the chance to try out some no poo cleaning techniques – and can therefore make some actual recommendations:
- Oil and a mix of vinegar, water and lemon (roughly equal parts) turned out to be my best cleaning friends, I didn’t use much besides that. When it comes to oil and grease stains, it’s really a fighting-fire-with-fire kind of method – and it works, too! The spice rack being located above the stove was covered in a sticky layer of cooking grease and dust. I just dabbed some paper towel in oil and wiped the sticky surfaces. Just use the cheapest you have/can get, doesn’t need to be you precious EVOO. This is obviously only step one, unless you’re content with replacing the old grease layer with a new one (that will get yucky in a few weeks). This is were the lemon/water mixture comes into play. Why not use that one first? Well, I guess you can, but when I tried it felt like I needed to use much more force with that one – using oil was a lot easier.
- I tried out the recipe for cleaning the oven (actually started with that one since you’re supposed to let it sit for 8 hours). I found that the ratio in the recipe made the mix to dry, so I just went with my instinct and added more water until it took on a „wasabi-like“ texture (if you were to conclude from this that I have a sushi-related problem you’d be right on). Also, I used about double the amount of the original recipe. I got good results – I am telling myself that the stuff that I couldn’t get of has been there even when we moved in. This recipe is perfect for me since I am not a very patient person. I tend to get sloppy at the end of a task but luckily, with this recipe, I do not need to worry about whether I am going to die from the next meal I prepare in the oven after cleaning it. Sometimes you can have the cake and eat it, too!
- Oh yeah, maybe the most useful piece of advice that I managed to ignore once more after already having made the mistake: filter the lemon juice before you pour it into a spray bottle. Otherwise the pulp will clog up the pipe/spray head thingy. Or: don’t use a spray bottle, just dab the cleaning rag in the liquid.
No poo for everything!
I promised recipes and diys – so here we go. This morning, a chain of events (trying out another Ayurveda recommendation, massaging my skin with oil – taking a shower – greasy bathtub) led to me seeing the necessity to clean the bathtub right away. After having read and thought about the whole no poo concept only so recently, the thought of grabbing the bottle with the suspiciously blue (kinda like the blue Gatorade) and strong smelling cleaning product that we have used so far didn’t seem so appealing. There must be something else, I thought, and checked online. Disco! To no surprise, even a very quick research delivered a bunch of helpful sites, and I ended up cleaning the bathtub with a lemon. Yes, with a lemon – and it worked, too.
Among the results of my quick search, I particularly liked a (Swedish) blog post by The Green Eco Journal. The instructions were short and easy, while covering many things you might want to clean in a house/apartment. Also, all that you need according to post is vinegar, baking soda, lemon, and olive oil.
Here is my translation of the post, so please note that the source for the following (unless otherwise marked) including the picture is The Green Eco Journal, anything lost or messed up in translation is completely my fault:
„Green“ and clean! (White wine) vinegar
- For cleaning in general, pour equal amounts of water and vinegar into a spray bottle. Comes in handy when you want to clean up something.
- To freshen up the toilet bowl (it literally says „seat“ but from the rest I gather that it must be the bowl – Solveig), pour two to three deciliters (ca. 1 cup – Solveig) white wine vinegar into it. Wait a few hours, then scrub and flush.
- To clean windows, use the vinegar/water mixture for general cleaning. Spray onto the window. Instead of wiping off the mixture with a towel, use pages from a newspaper (from what I know it works – which it does! – because there are silver particles in the black ink – Solveig). (Paper towels get stuck easily.) You can still recycle the nepspaer after this.
- To clean the floors, pour vinegar into the bucket instead of your regular cleaning product.
- To clean the laundry machine, pour 1/2 deciliter of vinegar (ca. 1/5 cup – Solveig) into it. Start the machine without laundry. This helps to take away old laundry detergent that might have gotten stuck.
Baking soda
- This is a good cleanser for stains and to take away bad smells. It’s also excellent to clean pots.
You can pour half a deciliter (ca. 1/5 cup – Solveig) into the laundry machine to clean it. So next time you’re going to wash something, your clothes will get extra-soft without you needing to add strong fabric softeners. - Mix a little bit of baking soda and castile soap (my link – Solveig) or regular dishwashing detergent to clean sinks and surfaces that are hard to reach. It’s also a good cleanser for drains. To make it smell nice add a few drops of essence.
- If you have rugs that smell because of pets, sprinkle some baking soda onto the rug before vacuum cleaning them.
- For cleaning the oven, mix 3 ts baking soda, 1 ts salt and 1 ts water. Spread the mixture inside the oven and let it sit for 8 hours. Scrape away and wash off afterward.
- For when your drains get clogged: pour in 1/2 deciliter (ca. 1/5 cup – Solveig) and 1/2 deciliter of white wine vinegar. Let it sit for a while, then rinse with warm water.
Another way to clean the toilet bowl is to pour in 1 ts baking soda and 4 ts vinegar. Let it sit for 15 to 30 minutes, then scrub and flush.
- Lemon juice is good against grease stains. So it’s perfect for kitchen cleaning.
- To get a natural and fresh scent in a room, make your own room spray from warm water, 1 ts baking soda and 1 ts lemon juice, and put the mixture into a spray bottle.
- To „bleach“ white laundry, add lemon juice to your laundry detergent.
- To give your dishes that extra shine, add lemon juice to your dish washing detergent (not on anything silver, though).
- A spray bottle filled with half water and half lemon juice comes in handy when taking away stains from windows and mirrors.
Olive oil
- Mix 2 tbs olive oil and 1 tbs lemon juice to create a natural furniture polish.
- When cleaning brass and steel material, use a cleaning rag with some olive oil on it.
- When cleaning shoes, use some olive oil and a few drops of lemon juice to make them nice and shiny.
Now all we need to do is find the appropriate dumping site for the poo we’ve been using …
Quick home-made Ayurvedic herbal tea
The Ayurveda book that I like the most out of the bunch I picked up at the library is Judith H. Morrison’s The Book of Ayurveda. It gives a great overview over pretty much all aspects of life, has lots of info boxes and lists, which appeals to me.
I found a simple recipe for some herbal tea that is supposed to be good for those of us with a dominant Pitta dosha or excessive Pitta (over the past week’s reading I have realized that I have both right now, almost freakishly textbook definition thereof!).
So this is it: mix equal parts of fennel, cilantro and caraway seeds. Use one teaspoon per cup. Just boil some water and add. Done!
Due to the hot water the tea as such is obviously „hot“. But according to Ayurveda, the quality of the ingredients (the seeds) and therefore: the quality/effect of the tea is „cold“ or „cooling“. Ideal for me because I prefer drinking warm stuff but I really don’t need to pour any more gasoline on that Pitta fire right now!
Recipe – ginger elixir
Not that there isn’t anything to write about – quite the contrary. I have been so busy that the days seem way too short without spending time by the computer (no offense!). And yes, I do plan on writing about all that stuff but for now I’ll just leave you with a recipe I tried out today
so that I can get some more thing done out in the real world without abandoning the site after the first post…Ginger elixir This ginger elixir …
… is upposed to be great for the immune system and to get digestion going. Use about one tablespoon in a glas of water, drink before lunch and dinner.
You need:
1 big piece of ginger (about the size of a fist)
4 lemons
2 lime
3 Tbs honey
2 dl water
10 black peppercorns
Cut up ginger into pieces, process with a juice maker (makes about 1 dl juice), or grate ginger and squeeze juice manually.
Squeeze lemons and lime. Combine juices, add honey, water and pepper.
Keep refridgerated.
(from: Yogamat by Anna Gidgård and Cecilia Davidsson)