Angezeigt: 31 - 40 von 40 ERGEBNISSEN
Bewusst Leben Sarines Stöde

Day 6

The good news is: we do have internet at our new home. The bad news is: it’s terribly slow and I won’t be able to access it from my mac. No idea how this is going to affect my blogging (doesn’t seem like I could spread the posts any thinner as it already has been …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Stöde

Days 3, 4 & 5 | After

Looks like we’re driving up on Sunday, not tomorrow, as I thought. That kind of rendered my melt-down last night pointless, since it’s a lot less stressful this way … I would not have survived this week without coffee and Daft Punk. Somehow the line „Our work is never over“ got stuck in my head …

Bewusst Leben Sarines Stöde

Day 2 | After

Obviously not much point in a before pic – see yesterday’s after. I am actually quite content right now with the progress, which is not how I felt yesterday and this morning when I woke up. It seemed like my goal to get this entire move over with before my birthday (this upcoming Sunday) was …